Unsatisfying Draw Leaves Both Teams Disappointed: Heidenheim vs Stuttgart

Actually, Heidenheim was already hopelessly behind in Stuttgart. The guests led until the eighth minute of stoppage time. In the end, no one was really happy with the wild 3-3 draw – at least not immediately after the end of the game.

Immediately after the game, Heidenheim’s coach Frank Schmidt didn’t really know what to think of the 3-3 draw in Stuttgart. IMAGO/Michael Weber

It was an emotional roller coaster ride for the around 5,000 Heidenheim fans who attended the 1,000th game in the Neckar Stadium. Dominant Stuttgart had already led comfortably 2-0, but then the newcomers turned the game around – and had to accept the equalizer seconds before the end. Based on how the game went, FCH coach Frank Schmidt agreed DAZN sure: “I don’t think anyone is happy today.”

“Really angry that we gave up the game”

Stuttgart couldn’t be satisfied because VfB had “much more of the game” and had also led by two goals. The guests couldn’t be satisfied “because we completely took control of the game with the goal, believed in ourselves and turned the game around with incredible determination.” Due to Stuttgart’s last-second equalizer by Deniz Undav, Schmidt’s team was “really angry that we had given the game away.”

The bottom line is that Heidenheim has been waiting for a win for six games, but once again showed a more than appealing performance. “We got a point from third in the table, who will most likely play in the Champions League next year, that’s worth something,” emphasized Schmidt. He will announce this on Monday “after a day’s distance and a night’s sleep.” The promoted team also got four points against a top team in the Bundesliga, “you shouldn’t forget that.”

Nübel’s mistake brings Heidenheim back into the game

Even double goalscorer Tim Kleindienst didn’t really know after the game whether he should be happy or angry. After the 0:2, the attacker initially had the “feeling that we were already out”, but then the Heidenheimers had proven their “comeback qualities”. But also because Stuttgart keeper Alexander Nübel had put an actually harmless Kleindienst header through his legs and into the net. “We were a bit lucky at 1-2, but sometimes you need a situation like that to shift the momentum to your side.”

Kleindienst makes decisions without thinking too much

Kleindienst’s two goals were not luck, but skill – his goals eight and nine this season. The interim 2-2 was particularly worth seeing when the attacker hit a cross from Jan-Niklas Beste directly into the near corner. “I immediately decided with the cross that I would go for it with my left foot and not even think about it. Of course I hit it brutally, I have to say, you don’t hit it like that every day,” Kleindienst revealed.

Scored twice against VfB: Tim Kleindienst. IMAGO/Press photo Baumann

For the second goal, the 1.94 meter long striker was perfectly served by Eren Dinkci and nodded in the buttery cross. “World class. You always hope for balls like that. It hits the second post perfectly, it’s easy to then put the ball in.”

After the double strike in minutes 84 and 85, everything was set for the away coup, but then Undav struck. “It’s obviously bitter that we end up with a score of 3-3,” Kleindienst complained about the new twist in an extremely entertaining game. And so in the end it was a draw, which made no one happy due to the ups and downs – at least immediately after the final whistle.

2024-03-31 21:30:00
#Schmidt #missing #coup #happy #today


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