Unlocking the Power of Archery: A Sport for Girls and Boys Aged 9 and Up

Sports activity for girls and boys aged 9 and up

Published:31-03-2021 16:39

Last update:31-03-2021 16:39

TRIESTE – Archery is a sporting activity which requires extreme dexterity and skills. Precise, rapid and harmonious movements characterize it, thanks to a certain muscular effort. Thanks to Liviana Marchet, federal councilor of FITARCO, we have explored various aspects of this Olympic sport: during shooting the body must remain in balance, maintaining high control in all phases. Mental resources also play a fundamental role in this sport, in relation to the management of anxiety and above all the knowledge that every athlete must have of their own body and mind.

The Italian Archery Federation (FITARCO) prepares athletes for competitions, from local to national ones, up to the Olympics. The FITA (Olympic Competition) competition is organized on a level field where a certain number of targets are lined up at distances of 90, 70, 50, 30 meters for men and 70, 60, 50, 30 meters for women. The shooting modes include a series of 36 arrows for each distance; the target has a diameter of 122cm for long distances and 80 cm for distances of 50 and 30 meters and is made up of colored concentric circles corresponding to the value of the scores ranging from 10 (yellow) to 1 (white).

Indoor shooting generally takes place inside sports halls, over a distance of 18 meters or 25 metres. 60 arrows are shot on a 40 cm panel from 18 meters and 60 cm from 25 meters. Country shooting (Hunter and Field) is a competition that takes place on two separate days and recalls hunting as it takes place on rough terrain, in the middle of woods or green areas. There are 12 shooting stands on the course for each day of the competition, or 24 stands in international competitions or in Italian championships. Archery for children and teenagers is an excellent discipline because you learn to respect the rules, concentrate and control yourself. An archer understands that the cause of an arrow missing the target must be sought first and foremost in oneself, through self-analysis, useful in study and in life, to learn to analyze one’s behavior step by step, and improve.

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2021-03-31 07:00:00
#Archery #concentration #attention #aiming


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