Trout: Grand Slam at Lake Lolog

Trout: Grand Slam at Lake Lolog

Time passes, and many years later you return to fishing in areas you have never visited before. And it’s like nothing has changed or, if there are changes, they are for the better. He Lolog Lake It’s one of those places. I caught it for the first time with Rafael Guglielmi in the ’90s, there were other later forays and because of those things in life I hadn’t visited him for 20 years.
Nahuel Moral proposed it to me. “What if we go to the Lolog? There are good trout!” Without hesitation or wasting time, there we were with José Luis Moral and Daniel Pappalardo, boarding Matías Pereyra’s boat on the stone beaches of El Cipresal, a good place to take boats down, on the eastern coast of the mirror – where it borders it. Route 62 – 2.5 km from the bridge that crosses the Quilquihue River.

Taking advantage of the fact that the morning had only a gentle breeze and the lake was quite flat, we headed northwest, to the Bay of Antil, passing the point of Guerrero. As it is about a mirror that has tourist movement in summer and greater pressure from sport fishing in the area surrounding the town, It is convenient to browse a little, and move away from the shores with more human presence and activity. We had arrived quite early, with a clear sky that came from a string of days of good weather, there was no noticeable activity on the surface, so we decided to start with #6 power equipment and lines with a certain sinking rate, leaders of 5 to 6 feet finished in 1X fluorocarbon tippet and trimmers with some ballast, such as Matuka, String Leech, Marabou Muddler, Zonker and some variants of the classic and performing Woolly Bugger. Also some large nymphs such as Pat’s Rubber Legs, Bitch Creek and Kaufmann’s Stone with legs, all flies that are usually effective in waters of the region.
The idea was to fish the banks taking advantage of the early hour. On warmer, sunny days, the night serves to cool the surface and give the fish a more comfortable thermoclimate, so that they rise in the water column to look for food in the lower parts and shores. With the boat within rod casting distance, we cast towards the coast from inside the lake. It didn’t take long for the first rainbow to take Nahuel’s fly and immediately José Luis nailed a brown one. The trout were where we expected and were active.


We continued exploring this and another nearby bay with the same strategy and, as there were five of us in total and four of us fishing on top of the trucker, we took turns not to bother each other. Then two of us disembarked and three remained on board, acting more comfortable. And along the way we tested how wading fishing was in that sector of the Lolog. The coasts are not very conducive to wading along the shores in that part of the lake but there are good shorelines to prospect. And where there is little wading because it gets deep quickly – and coastal trees and bushes are closer – you have to be attentive to the gaps in the vegetation where to put the back casts, to not hook the fly and thus make good shots on the veril with possibilities of capture.

Casting towards the deep end, letting it go down a little and stripping each fly with a speed and cadence that makes it credible and attractive (this can be tested before in the shallow area or from the boat and see how each one works and moves) , we were getting bites and captures. The swimming effect is achieved with short, fast and continuous retrieves in stripers that are more armed and simulate a small fish, or long and more widely spaced in flies with more ductile materials (such as rabbit hair or marabou feather), so that they fold and unfold giving the sensation of a living and pulsating organism. Sometimes trying combinations of stripping methods, for example two short and one long or other sequences, achieves good results. Also a mini stop and go, which is to stop, pick up, take a short pause and start again. And if we use large nymphs or stripers with rubber legs, it helps to tap the tip of the rod in the middle of the stripes so that the rubber bands vibrate and make them more striking. Anything that involves testing, changing and using intuition to convey liveliness and attractiveness to the deception is valid when it comes to triggering the sting. And it also demands and turns us into more attentive, active and focused fishermen, and not just automatons that mechanically throw and retrieve a thousand times in the same way, without the commitment or passion that this activity imposes on us.


Three browns and two rainbows were the catches from these two bays. And when we began to organize ourselves to gather the team and change places, in the last haul from the coast with a Egg Sucking Leech green and orange weighted, Letting it go down quite a bit, we lit a very interesting brown one, better than the others. indication that the largest ones were a little lower.

With this information, we returned to fishing from the boat but no longer towards the proximity of the shore, but rather casting for the beginning of the veril and letting it go deeper to reach greater depth. In this way we were successful with a sustained succession of hits, some lost and others that reached the codend.
When the sun was already higher and the Patagonian wind was stirring the lake, We look for other places in the mirror that are more repaired, such as Guerrero Bay – passing the Puntilla de Guerrero – and the entire stretch that goes from there to the southeast. There are shallow sections with algae, very deep places, caved-in walls, and countless sheltered and shady places to cast a fly with a chance. One has to be alert for possible insect hatching or trout movements near the surface and, if detected, use float lines with longer leaders, finer tippets and small dry flies that as much as possible imitate the insect hatching. You can also try to tempt them with a good bite, for that you have to use a large attractor fly – which can be made of foam – mounted on #6 to #8 hooks (Fat Albert, Chernobyl Ant, Grass Hopper ).

Also fontinalis, the difficult

This portion of the lake is more visited, navigated and fished, but it still has possibilities of success with trout. So much so that on a shore with a lot of vegetation, just before reaching Roemmers, Nahuel with an imitation olive and orange pancora on hook #6 caught a nice fontinalis: the difficult figurine, the slower growing trout of all introduced salmonids, the least tolerant of high temperatures and the one found in the smallest quantity in this area. This way We achieved the Grand Slam, that is, three different types of sports in the same place and on the same day.
“You should not try to return to the place where you have been happy,” says Sabina’s song, it may be that the poet is right. However, sometimes it is good to return after a while to certain places, it may be that they are the same or, as in this case, the changes that the years have brought are for the better.

2024-04-12 13:45:27
#Trout #Grand #Slam #Lake #Lolog


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