Title: “The Crossroads for Eintracht Frankfurt: Evaluating the Future Under Coach Toppmöller”

Title: “The Crossroads for Eintracht Frankfurt: Evaluating the Future Under Coach Toppmöller”
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    Sports director Markus Krösche will have to decide in his general analysis after the season whether the oppressive atmosphere allows for a new opportunity in the existing constellation.

    Frankfurt – There are a few positive aspects surrounding this sad Eintracht guest game in Stuttgart with many dark clouds over the Frankfurt entourage that should not be ignored. As there were: The young Marko Mladenovic, a 19-year-old talent, made his professional debut and thus increased the number of young men from his own stable used this season to five. Not bad.

    In addition, no Frankfurt player was seriously injured, which is not a factor that should be underestimated in the final spurt and when the ranks are already thin. Even Hugo Ekitiké, who was once celebrated as a storm jewel (when was that?), lasted 45 minutes – without any visible signs of fatigue. Excellent.

    Sad guest appearance for Eintracht in Stuttgart

    Then: The team didn’t fall apart after the 3-0 deficit, which could have been because the club simply slowed down two gears for movement games. But that remains hypothetical. In any case, the second half ended 0-0. It works.

    And: The fans celebrated the team instead of using a sit-in strike to prevent them from leaving, as they did almost two and a half decades ago after the 6-1 defeat in the cup at Stuttgart II. At that time, the Eintracht coach was named Felix Magath and a VfB striker was Ioannis Amanatidis. Damn long time ago. And yet it remains clear, then as now: the reaction of the fans was not appropriate in both cases. So be it.

    If you approach Eintracht soberly and from above, it is clear that this season will not be one that will be remembered – regardless of whether sixth place is retained (unlikely) or lost (probable). The team is not cohesive, not powerful and bold enough for that. And not good enough. Eintracht is in free fall – and there is no one far and wide who has a parachute ready.

    His decisions are controversial: Dino Toppmöller. © dpa

    No further development under Dino Toppmöller

    Coach Dino Toppmöller is also confused with his decisions and formations. Now this one, then that one, 40-year-old Makoto Hasebe suddenly plays in defensive midfield on Saturday evening – against the fast Stuttgart team, after months without match practice and in a position he hasn’t held for years. Donny van de Beek, who came from Manchester United in the winter, was sitting outside. You don’t have to understand all of that.

    Toppmöller is heavily criticized and has no credit with the fans who would sooner chase him off the court today than tomorrow. The truth is: The hard-working coach was unable to develop his ensemble further. There are certainly reasons for this and he is not the only one to blame, but it is just a fact.

    Markus Krösche has to decide whether Eintracht can continue like this

    Sports director Markus Krösche will have to decide in his general analysis after the season whether the oppressive atmosphere around the club, the coach and the team allows a new opportunity in the existing constellation – or not. This will also have something to do with the final position, but not only. Toppmöller will have to earn his team’s trust in the remaining games – there isn’t much to suggest that at the moment. And there isn’t much time left.

    Sports director Krösche has overall responsibility, and he will have to answer the question for himself: Does he trust the coach to take the young, talented, but unfinished and fickle team to the next level in the new season – contrary to public opinion, which is that? Football teacher not flattering? Complicated. If this season turns out to be as rough as it seems, the coach would enter the race with a huge mortgage.

    And sports boss Krösche should also question himself critically; after all, he put this team together. With a lot of imagination – and a lot of money. The transfer market is ultimately about hits, followers and flops. The quota has to be right. Otherwise every coach will have a hard time.

    2024-04-14 13:25:00
    #Coach #Dino #Toppmöller #test #bench #Eintracht #Frankfurt


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