This is how the new master city Leverkusen works

This is how the new master city Leverkusen works

On the way to the title: The professional footballers from Bayer Leverkusen are storming through Germany and Europe. Image: picture alliance / press photo Mika Volkmann

Bayer’s latest means of entertainment not only works, it also enchants and offers something new in German professional football: a journey through the Bundesliga’s first championship city, which is younger than the club.

Until now, Bayer Leverkusen supporters have been known to be a little more unimaginative in their stadium choreographies than fans of other clubs. The quality of the curve show in the football stadium followed the well-known pattern: nothing more than second place was achieved. That’s how it was until the cup game against Düsseldorf last week, when an elaborately illuminated Bayer cross rose towards the stadium roof in front of a sea of ​​red and black colors.

The hit song “Hell in der Nacht” by singer Dirk Maverick was played, which paid homage to the shining cross, the city’s symbol, which was first strung up between two chimneys above the chemical factory in 1933: “You decorate the shirt of Mingm Verein. And when I’m fat, you’ll be with me (…). Because you are what gives Minger City something. You are home and a piece of happiness.” Maverick sounds at least remotely like the Cologne cult singers from the neighboring town, whose songs bring you to tears with their carnival sentimentality.


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