Thiago’s last wagon, Cioffi remains afloat, pizzeria and Bentegodi? Nicola chasing miracles, Real Sassuolo

Thiago’s last wagon, Cioffi remains afloat, pizzeria and Bentegodi?  Nicola chasing miracles, Real Sassuolo

The A league has officially entered the hot phase of a long and interminable season. The Milan derby could become a psychodrama for the Rossoneri cousins, who in the event of a Nerazzurri victory would helplessly watch the triumph of the NerazzurriInter. Sewing the second star on the day of the derby would enrich the Milanese derby with epicness and history.

The last wagon

A little further down the Bologna remains clinging to the last carriage attached to the train Champions Leaguethe last draw (0-0) at home against Monza but it complicated the plans Thiago Mottawho according to some football luminaries is already thinking about the bench of Juventus, instead until the end he will try to give the dream of Greater Europe to an entire city. To understand the points advantage that the Bolognese will maintain over Roma, we will have to wait for the last 20 minutes of Udinese-Roma, the match suspended in the 71st minute due to the Giallorossi defender’s illness on the pitch Evan N’Dicka. The most important news of these days is that the boy has been discharged from the hospital.

Thiago Motta (Ph SportMediaset)

20 more minutes

And speaking of Udinese, the Friulians remain with a +1 advantage from the hot zone, always keeping in mind those famous 20 minutes to play, the score was 1-1. With the defeat of Empoli and the harakiri of Sassuolo, Udinese remains afloat in the rough sea of ​​the relegation zone, but Cioffi and his boys will have to roll up their sleeves to avoid the risk of drowning in the final sprint.

Gabriele Cioffi (ph

Saturday evening at the pizzeria

L’Hellas Verona instead he survives in Bergamo against the heroes of Anfield Road. The Scala team went two goals down, but then found the pride they needed to stay in Serie A and equalized in 4 minutes with Lazović and Noslin. And on Saturday evening, under the Bentegodi lights, Verona will host Udinese. The Verona fans who still believe in it will give up the classic Saturday night at the pizzeria to crowd into a stadium that will have the task of pushing the team towards a very important victory.

Bentegodi Stadium (Ph Transfermarkt)

Another miracle

L’Empoli loses at Lecce, if any Empoli fans had forgotten about Nicola Sansone they will remember him at least until the next championship. The Lecce striker clocked in almost at the end, in the 89th minute, when the match’s shutter had almost reached the ground. Heavy defeat for the Tuscans anchored in 17th position in the standings, according to some it’s bad luck but Empoli are out of the relegation zone for now. TO Davide Nicola yet another career miracle is required.

Davide Nicola (Ph Facebook)

Two points lost or one gained?

Also Ballardini he is called to the extraordinary feat, his Sassuolo plays attacking football against a Milan which finds a 3-3 which has the flavor of mockery for the neroverdi. Six goals, emotions to spare at the Saturday morning local market and a Pinamonti who hopes for the European Championship. This is the plot of an afternoon of sun and football in the shadow of a stadium that should be the home of Sassuolo, but seemed more like a San Siro in miniature due to the massive presence of Rossoneri fans. Suddenly, with the score 3-1, the Sassuolo he also had the opportunity to definitively close the discussion and score the fourth goal, but due to a strange twist of fate, after the 3-3 draw, Milan had the great opportunity to win it 4-3. The final draw (3-3) is certainly a great wasted opportunity for the black and greens, but the good Ballardini who is an experienced coach will also be able to benefit from a small point which for hours does not move the rankings much. Sassuolo is still stuck in the red zone of the standings, but until the 3-1 against Milan, it seemed like they were seeing the team again that according to many should have aimed at at least being in the left part of the standings.

Andrea Pinamonti (Ph Transfermarkt))

2024-04-17 17:00:08
#Thiagos #wagon #Cioffi #remains #afloat #pizzeria #Bentegodi #Nicola #chasing #miracles #Real #Sassuolo


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