There are four options – El Sol de México


In the recent plenary assembly of the Mexican bishops, the three candidates for the Presidency of the Republic were present, at different times, with the same protocol. Each person presented to us, with their own characteristics, both their vision of reality and their proposals to improve the economic, legislative, political, social, educational, judicial, ecological, etc. areas. We were able to appreciate their qualities and their availability to continue these dialogues, if they are chosen for that service.

They were asked questions about religious freedom, the current educational model, the water problem, the migratory phenomenon, the disappearance of people, the immoderate and illegal logging of wood, which is abundant in various parts, without the authorities doing what is due to avoid it. The three were insisted on how to avoid insecurity, violence, and the domination of organized crime, which invade the country and which the government has not controlled. Each person responded according to their point of view. We may or may not agree, but we listen to each other with respect.

They were also asked about their attitude towards abortion. Someone responded that his personal conviction is against this procedure, but that, if elected, he must swear that he respects the Constitution and the laws that emanate from it, and in this case the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation has already legislated in favor of the same. He said that he will not promote it, but that he will offer the greatest help to women in this situation, so that abortion is not his only option.

Someone else was questioned why he supports the adoption of children by same-sex couples, since this is an attack on their normal growth and development. His response was that he knows some of those couples who live better than other heterosexuals, and that there should be no discrimination.

There are three options we have to vote on. Everyone must choose freely and well informed; Hopefully it is not for economic interest, just for the social support it receives. We should not use our pastoral authority to pressure a vote for or against someone, but we should not remain indifferent to the current moment.

There is a fourth option: indifference, apathy, disinterest, not voting, for reasons of conscience or because there is distrust in the electoral processes. It is respected when this is done out of conviction; but it is morally unacceptable when someone does not care about the present and future of the country. That is a lack of love for others! And then don’t complain! The good of the national community depends on our vote.


The bishops, in our message at the end of the assembly, among other things, say:

“We have no doubt that we are living in a crucial moment. Therefore, our love for Mexico drives us to invite all Mexicans over 18 years of age to participate responsibly with their vote on June 2. Let us unite to build a united, safe, free and prosperous Mexico. Let’s make our reasoned and responsible vote heard and respected. Participating in voting is a mission that belongs to all of us!”


Let’s feel responsible for our country. One way to do this is to vote freely and conscientiously, trying to know the life of the candidates for different positions. Let us value their experience, their ability, their freedom, their history of service to the community, not letting ourselves be impressed only by the propaganda and financial support that some receive. Let us intensify our prayer for the country.

2024-04-21 11:00:00
#options #Sol #México


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