Théo Leoni: The Darling of Anderlecht Supporters and Coaches

Théo Leoni: The Darling of Anderlecht Supporters and Coaches

Théo Leoni is the darling of Anderlecht supporters. But also that of the coaches obviously.

This week, Besnik Hasi was Eleven’s guest to speak on the program “The Bench”. When it comes to speaking about his favorite player in the championship, the Malinois coach hesitates: “Our competition has a lot of very good players.”

The Albanian coach wants to be careful with these kinds of considerations: “I have seen many nuggets pass through Anderlecht, which have now disappeared from radar. It depends on your choices, the championship you join. Many parameters are crucial.”

Besnik Hasi’s two favorites

But he still ends up dropping a name: “Anderlecht has Theo Leoni, who is very intelligent. It is quite complete, because it is quite good at recovery. He has three lungs and good feet. He sees the game before situations happen. We wonder where its limits are. His progress is dazzling.”

For the record, Théo Leoni was already at Neerpede and was 14 years old when Hasi took over Anderlecht following the departure of John Van den Brom in 2014.

But Besnik Hasi would be remiss if he forgot his current team: “I also enjoyed watching several players from my team play. Even Rob Schoofs, who is a little older. When you see him play, you wonder why he didn’t break through in Ghent (Schoofs played there between 2016 and 2017).”

2024-04-20 05:00:00
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