The promoters of the regularization of immigrants in Congress ally themselves with empty Spain for the European elections

About eight months ago, just after the general elections, different municipal groups and of the Spain emptied They began working to present themselves to the Europeans. But not alone. She joined them ‘For a fairer world’ (J+D), a party that has always been extra-parliamentary in Spain but is now better known for having achieved a popular milestone. 15 days ago the Congress of Deputies gave the green light to the processing of a Popular Legislative Initiative for the regularization of nearly 500,000 immigrants in Spain. J+D is one of the promoters of this proposal. Now all of them have mixed their initials in a shaker and they stand in the European elections with a familiar face.

Tomas Guitartethe only deputy who has had Spain emptied in Congress through Teruel Exists, will be the Exists list header, the name they have given to this candidacy that will be presented this Wednesday at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. Guitarte has been a deputy for almost a year Cortes of Aragon. Before the national elections were called, he had already made the decision to appear in his autonomous community. He didn’t have to choose whether he left one seat to assume the other, Teruel Exists and Empty Spain did not achieve representation in the last elections.

“Nothing to lose” And yes, another door to knock on that they can win, they think about the Guitarte movement in Teruel. Because the now regional deputy would be willing to leave Zaragoza and go to Brussels. He is convinced that if this goes well they have plenty of “staff” to continue their work in the Cortes, where they have 3 deputies.

In Europe the game is played distribution of Feder Fundsbudgets for greater territorial cohesion not only between countries but between regions. That is where both those who represent increasingly empty territories and those who believe that European funds should have a “fairer” distribution for social projects have an interest in reaching.

Coincidence in programs

But What do they have in common these local and regional groups with J+D? Well almost everything, it seems. Before making any decision there has been background work. “We did a study of program compatibilities and we saw that more than 85% of the contents “They were convenient,” explains Guitarte. So they not only thought it was “feasible to go together, but convenient.”

Jorge Serranogeneral coordinator of the party For a more just world, will go number 3 on that list. Its formation collected up to 700,000 signatures together with four other organizations (Por Causa, Redes, #RE#Regularización Ya and the Global Citizenship Foundation) so that the ILP on migrants reached Congress. He already knows the European adventure, his formation joined forces with Compromís and Equo in 2014 and then they got a deputy. Now they need to get the 1.4% of the votes, approximately, to achieve representation. There are about 240,000 votes. With the “capillarity” of the coalition formations, some more local, others more urban, aspire to achieve “between one and two seats“. Whether they are wishes or something feasible remains to be seen, but Serrano hopes to repeat the nearly 80,000 votes they got for the Senate in the last elections and the million that the municipalists obtained overall, aware that only a part of They have joined this adventure.

He assures that they are formations with many similarities. All of them, he explains, have a way “transversal” to understand politics: “We look for solutions to specific problems, polarization and ideological confrontation only generate barriers.” But above all, he points out, they are complementary. The hundred municipalist formations that have embarked on this adventure and others from Empty Spain such as Teruel Exist, Soria ¡YA!, Cuenca Ahora and Aragón Exist, have a “very clear focus on the local and the regional, we have a more global and internationalist view, but above all we provide a social vision“. And, according to the internal study they have done, it coincides with the rest of the formations.

This Wednesday they will present their electoral program and specify what these agreements translate into on paper. What they do explain from this coalition is that they have elected Guitarteobviously, for being the best-known face of all of them and for his experience as a deputybut also because it has proven to be capable of reaching an agreement with the PSOE in Congress and with the PP in the Cortes of Aragon and they believe that this transversality It is the only thing that will allow them to defend their interests.

2024-04-24 06:24:42
#promoters #regularization #immigrants #Congress #ally #empty #Spain #European #elections


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