The Jokic Brothers: A History of Conflict on and off the Court

During the incident, Jokic’s wife, Natalya, was just steps away from the altercation and tried to calm Jokic’s brother down.

The Jokic brothers have not been shy about getting into conflicts with fans, referees or even other players. The NBA is known to have a strict stance on fan incidents, so it will be interesting to see what the league decides.

Denver “Nuggets” guard Jamal Murray stood out with an accurate shot along with the siren in the second game of the first round of the NBA playoffs, securing his team a 101-99 victory over the Los Angeles “Lakers”.

The Nuggets are now up 2-0 in the series against the Lakers and look poised to make a strong run to the second round for the second year in a row.

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