The Grandes Gueules Debate: Joëlle Dago-Serry, Charles Consigny, and Didier Giraud Discuss Current Events with Alain Marschall and Olivier Truchot

The Grandes Gueules Debate: Joëlle Dago-Serry, Charles Consigny, and Didier Giraud Discuss Current Events with Alain Marschall and Olivier Truchot

Today Joëlle Dago-Serry, Charles Consigny and Didier Giraud debate current events around Alain Marschall and Olivier Truchot.

Today Joëlle Dago-Serry, Charles Consigny and Didier Giraud debate current events around Alain Marschall and Olivier Truchot.

Today Joëlle Charles Consigny, Didier Giraud and Joëlle Dago-Serry debate the news around Olivier Truchot.

3 hours of debates where all opinions are welcome. At the Grandes Gueules table, minds open and points of view broaden. For this 20th season, Alain Marschall and Olivier Truchot, accompanied by GGs from civil society, combine information and entertainment. Les Grandes Moules, the show of freedom of expression. This Wednesday, April 17, 2024, meet Charles Consigny, lawyer, Didier Giraud, cattle breeder, and Joëlle Dago-Serry, life coach, for fiery discussions!

Third hour of Grandes Gueules. The GG Set and Match is in full swing. Who will win? And finally, a trip to the Land of the GG: News near you that has made our Big Mouths react.

On the menu for the third hour of the GG on Wednesday April 17, 2024: Should the sale of cigarettes to young people be banned? with Charles Consigny, lawyer, Didier Giraud, cattle breeder, and Joëlle Dago-Serry, life coach.

The Grandes Gueules face off in a social debate, may the best team win! This Wednesday, April 17, 2024, the GG: Charles Consigny, lawyer, Didier Giraud, cattle breeder, and Joëlle Dago-Serry, life coach, face off on the issue of salary gaps.

On the menu for the second hour of the GG on Wednesday April 17, 2024: “Have funfairs become unattendable?” with Charles Consigny, lawyer, Didier Giraud, cattle breeder, and Joëlle Dago-Serry, life coach.

EXCLUDED PODCAST – Today, around Olivier Truchot: Joëlle Dago Serry, Didier Giraud and Charles Consigny

“Several debates at the heart of the news, the Big Mouths have the choice, debate it or not: – Zemmour persona non grata in Brussels? – A series dedicated to Brigitte Macron in preparation.

2024-04-17 08:31:27
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