The ex-grape and the young man he shot for a previous altercation in Castrelos are sentenced

The Court of Instruction 6 of Vigo sentenced the former police officer Manuel Baña Gil and the young Pablo RR, whom months later he shot on two occasions in the Castrelos park for a dispute regarding their dogs. He attributes to them minor injury crimessince both recognized that there was an altercation and although the young man tried to defend himself, he caused an injury to the ex-grape, who remains in provisional prison.

The magistrate imposes a fine of 360 euros as well as the payment of civil liability, which, since it is the same amount, is commuted.

In the light trial held on March 22, both parties involved (defendants and complainants, at the same time) maintained contradictory versions about what happened on the morning of June 5, 2023. At the hearing, Manuel BG appeared by videoconference from A Lama prisonwhere he remains for allegedly shooting the same boy with a firearm three months later, and also for an altercation related to both of their dogs in the Castrelos park.

The magistrate points out in her resolution that both had a dispute in Castrelos park when one of Manuel’s dogs approached Pablo’s dog and Pablo accused him that the dog had attacked his pet..

From there, the versions of both differed, accusing each other of attacking the other. The appearance of a witness also did not serve to clarify who of the two started the fight, and the judge has indicated that “probative value” cannot be attributed to the testimony of Pablo’s girlfriend, “given the relationship maintained with him and the clear interest in The procedure”.

Therefore, he points out that attention must be paid to report prepared by the Local Police, which states that both had injurieslater corroborated by forensic medical reports.


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