the 4 most beautiful in the province of Vicenza

Fare trekking and excursions in Veneto it is the best way to get to know the rich territory of this region. If you love discovering and getting to know new territories in depth, in the name of nature and health, then these are the activities you are looking for.
Veneto is a region that gives you the possibility to choose between numerous routes that develop throughout its territory: from the Adriatic coast, to its enchanting hills up to the high and wonderful mountains where you can take summer but also winter walks such as for example the ones we point out here.

Excursions in Veneto: the 4 most beautiful in the province of Vicenza

In Veneto, and in particular in province of Vicenzayou will be able to organize and plan a simple trek or a more challenging excursion and thus immerse yourself in the splendid natural wonders that this area offers.

We have chosen 4 of the most beautiful routes to do in the province of Vicenza:

Road of the 52 tunnels The path of the big trees Excalibur route excursion Treschè Conca – Forte Corbin – Monte Cengio – Treschè Conca Route

1. Road of 52 tunnels

The first of the excursions in Veneto that we will tell you about is the Road of the 52 tunnels, also called the Road of the First Army. It is a historical itinerary that begins in Bocchetta Campiglia, in 1216 meters above sea level and ending at Gates of Pasubio in 1929 metri slm The route, approximately 3 hours long, begins in Bocchetta Campiglia can be reached by car taking the SP 46 Pasubio from Schio: cross the Pasubio Valleys and continue up to Ponte Verde at 901 m. Here follow the road that goes up to Step Xomo at 1058 meters and then the one for Bocchetta Campiglia. From Passo Xomo you can also continue on foot along path 366 towards Bocchetta Xetele. Once you reach the starting point, continue along the mule track, which goes back to the WWI, which takes you to the portal of the first tunnel, dated 1917. The itinerary, in this initial part, climbs up to above Bella Laita at 1881 metres. Here you can go from the first ones 20 galleries to then reach the Val Camossara watershed at 1700 meters and overcome it with tunnels 31 and 32. Once out of the valley, at 1842 m, the route continues on flat above the area of Garden that enter the road. You will pass from the Fontana d’Oro pass at 1870 m to undertake an uphill stretch that takes you, after passing tunnel 48, to the maximum height of 2000 metres. From here the route descends first to Ponte de Pasubio and then to the Papa refuge at 1928 meters passing through the last two tunnels.

2. The path of the Big Trees

Il Trail of the Big Trees it is the second of the excursions in Veneto chosen. This itinerary passes through the enchanting Montagnole plateau which is located at the foot of the Little Dolomites at 1000 meters above sea level. Nestled between the Tre Croci chain to the west and the Agno valley to the east, near Recoaro, this path is one of the most beautiful that the Vicenza Prealps offer. The route is also suitable for those who are not trained and requires a travel time of approximately 4 hours. It starts from Recoaro Mille, precisely from Trattoria La Gabiola where you can park your car. Take the asphalt road which, with a small detour, allows you to see the characteristic village of Case Asnicar has 1046 meters in height. Continuing on the initial road, take the road towards Malga Ofra. Once here take path n. 120 in the direction Cesare Battisti refuge. Continuing on the path you arrive first at Malga Pace and then at Malga Rove. Once here the path forks: always keeping to path 120, you can choose whether to continue along the easy route or the more difficult one. Both directions lead to the Cesare Battisti refuge, the arrival point of the entire itinerary located at 1265 metres. For the return you can retrace the same route as on the outward journey.

3. Passing through Excalibur

The Excalibur trail it is the third of the excursions in Veneto that we have chosen. It is an educational naturalistic circular route approximately 2.5 km long that can be followed by everyone, especially families with children. This route, one of the best known of Tonezza del Cimone, it is perfect for quiet walks and Nordic walking in the summer and snowshoeing and Nordic skiing in winter. The Excalibur route, which is so called because of the sword found along the road and which refers to the legend, starts from the center of Tonezza and continues on the road towards Folgaria. From here continue on Contrà Valle and you can leave the car near Baita Tedetta which is located at the beginning of the path. You can undertake it in the direction you prefer although it is preferable to start from the left, i.e. clockwise. Along the entire route, where you can see the classic vegetation made up of fir trees and larches, you will encounter 10 stations all marked by signs that explain the various peculiarities of the place you are in at that moment.

4. Treschè Conca Excursion – Forte Corbin – Monte Cengio – Treschè Conca

The last of the excursions in Veneto that we propose is suitable for everyone, it has a travel time of approximately 6 hours and starts and arrives in Treschè Conca. To reach this hamlet you can start from Asiago and take the provincial road to Vicenza. The route starts near the church of Treschè Conca, where you can leave your car. You will have to head towards the Forte Corbin. Once you arrive at the Malga Ronchetto/Val di Gevano crossroads, where the road begins to climb, continue towards Forte Corbin. This road will take you to the crossroads for Maga Roccolo where you will have to keep to the right and continue on the same road. Walking for about 5 km you will arrive at Forte di Punta Corbin which is the largest fortress of the First World War on this plateau. Since the Fort is now a museum, you can take a break for an hour and visit it. Resuming the path, continue towards the Monte Cengio retracing the road taken on the outward journey for about 2 km. By following the directions that are marked on the asphalt in this section, you will reach the Piazzale dei Grenadieri where the route to Monte Cengio begins. From Piazzale dei Granatieri then reach Piazzale Pennella from which you can see the whole panorama and retrace some events relating to the Great War. From this square continue in the direction of Granatiera which is a route made up of 8 tunnels developed on the sides of the mountain. This route takes you back through the first 5 tunnels, approximately 1 km of road, to Piazzale dei Granatieri. From here continue in the direction Piazzale Principe di Piemonte and then through the remaining 3 tunnels, 1.5 km long in total. From here, following the signs for Malga Roccolo you will find yourself on the road towards Treschè Conca, the point where you started.
Credits photo, Photo: Strada delle 52 Gallerie, CC wikimedia commons


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2024-04-05 07:43:37
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