Social Revolt: Julen Lopetegui Will Not Coach Milan, Casting Reopens with Tedesco Contacted

Julen Lopetegui will not coach Milan: the social revolt has made the owners change their minds. And the casting reopens: Tedesco has also been contacted.

Julen Lopetegui will not be the Milan coach. It seemed almost done, it seemed like a matter of days, we were already starting to talk about numbers. But no: the Spanish coach will not take the place of Stefano Pioli, from whom he will most likely part ways at the end of the season.

An about-face which is sensational, and which the ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’ on newsstands this morning mainly motivates with the discontent of the Rossoneri square: in short, the social revolt that broke out against Lopetegui in recent days was decisivenot very popular with supporters who would prefer more attractive profiles (Antonio Conte first and foremost).

And so, barring any new surprises, Milan must once again look around to choose next season’s coach. Always taking it for granted that Pioli, apparently at the last corner of his adventure with the Rossoneri, will be sent away a year early.

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