Rodrigo Germade and Antía Jácome will do a double in Paris

Rodrigo Germade and Antía Jácome will do a double in Paris

Rodrigo Germade and Antía Jácome will do a double in Paris. If on Wednesday both had certified their ticket for the Olympic Games by winning the K-4 500 – the Cangués – and the C-2 500 – the Pontevedra – in the Verdido National Selective, yesterday, on the last day of this tournament, both once again tasted the honeys of victory. Germade won alongside Adrián del Río in the K-2 500 meterswhile Jácome did the same in the C-1 200. Both will row twice in the French capital and Galicia multiplies its medal options with two boats of undeniable potential.

On the day when another Cangués Olympian like Carlos Pérez, “Perucho”, turned 45 –and he celebrated by seeking a place in the event alongside Juan Oriyes – the leading role fell on Rodrigo Germade, a paddler as discreet as he was effective and a true guarantee in the team boats. Yesterday he demonstrated it again in a regatta with a lot of competition in which the aforementioned Perucho and Oriyes set the starting pace, for Marcos Cooper and Roi Rodríguez to push later. It mattered little, as did the efforts of Garrote y Peña’s ship, because Germade and Del Río’s stroke rate was terrible in the final stretch of the regatta to finish putting their names on the Olympic ticket after in the last World Cup in Duisburg they won the place for Spain with a silver medal.

“Excited about what lies ahead until Paris”

“I’m very happy. It has been a very demanding Selective. It’s wonderful to see the performance we’ve had and I’m very excited about what lies ahead to Paris,” he assured at the conclusion of the regatta. It will be the third Olympic Games for the man from O Morrazo, who already has a medal, the one obtained in Tokyo in the K-4 together with Marcus Cooper, Saúl Craviotto and the betanceiro Carlos Arévalo. “Those were some Atypical games because there were no people, and although it may not seem like it, it is very noticeable. Having the stands vibrating and shouting… Paris is much closer and we will have more people cheering,” he points out.

Antía Jácome shows her joy after crossing the finish line in first position in the C-1 200 meters. / RFEP

The experience of Germade (33 years old) contrasts with the youthful vigor of Antía Jácome (24), who also had to confirm her presence in Paris after having been world runner-up in last year’s event in Germany. The Pontevedra native had a tough rival in her C-2 500 teammate, María Corbera from Madrid, who pushed at the start to try to surprise the Galician. Jácome did not wrinkle, he endured the situation and finished comfortably winning the test after a display of power. The Pontevedra native will now have the opportunity to compete in her second Olympic Games after her presence in Tokyo.

Galicia, with representation in five modalities

In total, Galicia will currently have representation in five types of canoeing at the next Paris Games. Rodrigo Germade and Carlos Arévalo will row in the men’s K-4 500 meters; the Cangués will also do so in the K-2 500; Teresa Portela and Carolina García will compete in the K-4 500; and in the C-1 200 and the C-2 500 it will be Antía Jácome

Carolina García (right) with Sara Ouzande in the K-2 500 meters test that they won yesterday in Verdido. / RFEP

The payroll could increase within a month, in the World Cup to be held in Szeged (Hungary) and in which Spain will try to qualify two more boats with Galicians in their ranks. One is the one formed by Carolina García and Sara Ouzande from Pontevedra, who yesterday won the K-2 500 meters, setting a powerful pace from start to finish, which left all his rivals with no options. The other is the C-1 1,000 meters from Pontevedres Pablo Crespo, who took the victory thanks to a final sprint in which he was able to overcome Daniel Grijalba from Madrid.

Diego Domínguez, in the C-2 500

Furthermore, the C-2 500 of the Madrileño based in Pontevedra Diego Domínguez (along with Joan Antoni Moreno) the place will be played in Hungary with the Sevillians Cayetano García and Pablo Martínez.

In the other two modalities with an Olympic place, Paco Cubelos from Talavera will row in the K-1 1,000 metersand in the women’s K-1 500 Estefanía Fernández and Isabel Contreras from Ceuta will compete for a place in Szeged.

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2024-04-13 04:08:52
#Rodrigo #Germade #Antía #Jácome #double #Paris


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