Revival of Judo-Jiu-Jitsu in Neustadt: Former Athletes Return as Club Gains Popularity

Revival of Judo-Jiu-Jitsu in Neustadt: Former Athletes Return as Club Gains Popularity

The number of judoka in JJJV Neustadt was already declining before the corona pandemic and energy crisis. The club is now enjoying great popularity. Former athletes have returned. 80 percent of the fighters have a migrant background.

The small sports hall at the Heinz Sielmann primary school is packed. Almost too crowded for a basketball practice game. But the judoka of the Judo-Jiu-Jitsu Association (JJJV) Neustadt

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2024-04-09 10:04:33
#JJJV #Neustadt #popular #Judo


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