Reflecting on Sparta’s Sports Editor’s First Season: Lessons Learned and Plans for the Future

26/04/2024 Marek Tborsk

He has completed his first season in the role of Sparta’s sports editor. The big day of the big season at Tom Divek’s pebil hok zvr. We know that the season ended with a big failure. But we have to try to think positively and take the good things into the new season, like the two-week gap.

What’s going on at the club?
We evaluate and analyze the entire season. With us, we have a lot of interviews and a lot of dark realizations. We’re fixing it for the fifth row and now we have an additional training tube.

Are there any changes in this regard?
Pavel Gross has a new door and the loan will continue in the next season as well. During the last one, however, we knew that Milo Hoava would leave us after canceling his contract. He wants to take a break from hockey again for a while. Around us is to preserve the continuity of the established work of both trainers. At the moment, he is holding talks with a small circle of potential assistant coaches for Gross.

U odeznlo zklamn z vyazen?
No. So I can’t try the last week of the playoffs. I thought it would take a long time. We know for a long time that the season ended in a big failure. But we have to try to think positively, take the good from the season and prepare as well as possible for the start of next year.

What do you think was the pinnacle of our end in the semi-final?
It cannot be objectively pointed to one specific moment. Of course, I lost two tenths before the end of the sixth pass, but I’m sure it wasn’t the only reason we dropped out. Yesterday we had some small errors in one session, which later turned out to be our fault.

If it weren’t for the unlucky eyes in the game, the season could have been evaluated completely differently, isn’t that right?
But every one of these poor guys had a pin. to say only that it was an accident would be an alibis. For example, in the sixth game, in the last week, there were as many consecutive mistakes as six games. However, we were in a position to progress, we had many opportunities to end the series and today we would not have made these mistakes at all.

When do you look back at the past season, how do you feel about it?
At the moment, there is a big crack in the room. Until the last week, our season was great, who could I fault. We overcame the basic situation in a very long time and played brilliantly in the first seven playoff games, even though we were never the best team.

What happened instead?
As I told her, basically we didn’t have a day to hit the deaf city. Even with the absence of several supports, we were able to use young players from the junior team or from Litomice. And they won by a long shot. At the end of the training session, we even set a new Sparsan record for sweat points. The game of our team has risen significantly compared to the team and the progress of all games and playing style can be seen. An average of 11,000 fans attended our matches, the scenery was always excellent. For that, I would like to give a horse to the fans once.

In the fall, we were looking for bed bugs, but we couldn’t adjust them until the end of the season. Was it the worst pain?
Pesilov’s games are a necessary part of every dark night. Unfortunately, we haven’t found the right chemistry this year for the entire season. It is disappointing for us.

Michal epk was absent in the semi-final due to disciplinary punishment. Didn’t Josh Kestner replace him in the fifth and sixth games, so right-handed, right-handed, a suitable type for the forward?
Josh was ready to board before the fifth race in the morning. Bohuel fell down painfully on the ice and lay in pain on the ice. No one knew at the time what had happened. Only five minutes passed from the thorn, and then we had to wait a long time for the ambulance to pass by, until then Josh and I could not move. Bohuel broke his second collarbone and the players had to miss the morning thorn completely. That must be one of the reasons why he didn’t get arrested for the second time at home.

Did we miss Zack Kassian-type play in the playoffs, who ended up in the club?
By signing Zack, we tried to complete the ideal composition of the team for the playoffs. A game of his type was missing in our gaming concept. Unfortunately, the situation around Zack developed in such a way that we had to terminate the contract. We had to manage without him.

Why doesn’t Jan Buchtele continue in the dark?
Bucht’s contract was up and since he would not get adequate time on the ice in the fifth season, we decided not to extend the cooperation and give him space in another team, which showed interest in him. He played in Spart for eleven years and I’m sure that the fans here will always love him, even when he wears a different jersey than the one. They will send it to each other. We thank him very much for what he has done for Sparta.

Did we have a request for the death of Jakub Konenho?
When we were planning for the new season, we found out that Kuba decided to continue it elsewhere. We understand that he wants to play a role in the dark and we wish him the best in his future career.

How do you evaluate the performance of Stephen Harper, Josh Kestner and Nick Beaudin, who left?
Both tanks suffered external injuries that affected their performance. Josh had a tight fit, but when he was really growing, he broke his collarbone. And when the horse moved back, he broke the other. Stephen injured his ankle right after the walk, and his time in rehabilitation was woefully short. Nick is one of the best players on the puck, but due to our concept of the game, he did not get as much playoff time. I would like to acknowledge that even the dog was always positive and helped to develop the first chemistry in the dark.

Several young players presented themselves in the dark for the first time in the season. Who will win in the 5th season?
We extended the contracts with Tom Tomek, Michal Vitouch, Petr Ton, Jakub mola, Jakub Tma, Dominik Pavlk and the returning Nino Tomov. Vichni have to show themselves in the Sparta jersey. Bad only on their actions and hard work.

The games they lost in the academy were worth seeing in the playoffs. Did the actions of David Vitouch or Ondej Miklia show that they are gradually becoming powerful figures of darkness?
It is so. Both boys played an excellent season. You can see great progress in their work. In the future, we will deal with them as the main characters of Sparta.

Can the fans watch the march of new reinforcements?
The very second day after the end of the season, we started going together with the entire sports section for the fifth season. At the moment, there are many meetings and conferences about the composition of the song. I have selected a few reinforcements, but because of a bad week, we don’t want to break what we’ve been working on all year. So I know that we have very good quality. That’s why we have to choose the fuel, how to supplement it.

How current is the A-tmu program?
The game has a current day off. We will meet again in May and start preparing for the new season.


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