Political Journalist Clashes with Politician Over Government Criticism

“This makes me angry,” he wrote on may be fed.”

“Well, your party is in this government… or am I mistaken?”, responded political journalist Rik Van Cauwelaert. Calvo: “Breaking news: Groen is in the federal government. What a brilliant analysis, dear Rik.”

“What I hope for the coming campaign is not just politicians, but also analysts with a little more depth and nuance, about systemic flaws instead of anecdotal and cheap nonsense.”

“So, you are angry because the government of which your party is a pillar cannot do its job. That is not an analysis, that is an observation,” Van Cauwelaert shot back.

Followers give opinions

The followers also had an opinion about the discussion. “Van Cauwelaert has almost the most in-depth column of all political columns every week,” writes Kristof. “You are apparently very frustrated and then start to play the man. Is that also part of your new political culture? Did you acquire that arrogance in the Netherlands?”

“Hola! Kristofke is starting to get angry. Have you seen the latest poll?”, Benny responds. “Arrogance at its best!”, says someone with an anonymous account. “Now we really get to know you. You will never become a political high-flyer. I trust Rik’s expertise and experience more.”


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