Pithiviers Judo Club Hosts Successful Tournament at Saint-Aignan Dojo

The dojo hosted a judo tournament, organized by the Pithiviers club. The warm-up and then the fights were refereed by club members.

On Sunday, a horde of young judokas in white kimonos took over the tatami mats of the Saint-Aignan dojo. Nearly 300 registrants put all their energy into a friendly tournament open to everyone, from the pre-chick category to the youngest.

From 4 to 10 years

A great opportunity for these young people aged 4 to 10, from white to yellow-orange belts, to confront a wide diversity of opponents and as many talents.

The warm-up and the fights were led and then refereed by members of the club, often black belts. Among them, Djovik Tchakala, fifth in the 2023 French senior first division championship, who also wore his first white belt in Pithiviers quite a few years ago.

The Judo club of Pithiviers, organizer of the event, thanked the participants for coming in such large numbers, from clubs from all walks of life, like those from the capital. The leaders were able to provide the young people with snacks offered by the Brossard company. Many Pithivierians also came to take part in this friendly competition at home.

2024-04-03 04:14:00
#children #tatami #mats


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