Piacenza Shows Promise in Pre-Season Match Against Serie A Opponent

Piacenza Shows Promise in Pre-Season Match Against Serie A Opponent

The last pre-season match smiled at Senago but Piacenza still sent good signals ahead of the championship opener against Ares Milano. Faced with a Serie A opponent, the red and whites did not hold back, playing on equal terms and moreover over the “long” distance of twelve innings. With a little more effectiveness in attack, the score could have been reversed but these days we can be satisfied with the good performance of the pitchers and the entire defensive line.

Coach Andrea D’Auria is satisfied: “The team showed me what I expected or rather hoped for. Against a full Senago team we narrowed the difference in category, playing on equal terms without breaks despite being on the field for twelve innings. A marathon from which we emerged more aware of our possibilities in view of the tough championship that awaits us. A few episodes made the difference – reassures D’Auria – and these are details that must be accepted given the young age of my team and the solidity and experience of the opponent we faced”. In short, in the red and white house we don’t exalt ourselves but rather we think with a sense of responsibility in view of a championship whose real hierarchies will only come out into the open after the first handful of matches.

SENAGO 0-0-0-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-1-0 3 PIACENZA 0-0-0-0-0-0-2-0-0-0-0-0 2

Training: Hernandez 2b, Calderon ed/1b, Cetti and c (Contardi ed). Loardi dh/lan, D’Auria 1b (Carsana ec), Marelli ss, Albasi es (Gerardi), Torelli ric (Carrasco 3b), Pancini 3b/ric. Pitchers: Cufrè, Lovattini, Loardi, Sanna.

2024-04-15 06:58:48
#Baseball #friendly #Senago #good #signs #Piacenza


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