William Boffelli prophet in his homeland, on the snow at home and in front of his people, the multi-talented athlete from Roncobello subverts the predictions of the day before by beating the Alpine troops Boscacci – Magnini and becoming Italian champion alongside his faithful companion on raids Alex Oberbacher. Test bed: a track in perfect condition with 1800m d+ and a length of approximately 17km.

Predictions confirmed instead in the pink match with Alba De Silvestro – Giulia Murada. The two Army athletes finished in 2h10’45”, giving 15’44” to the young Claudia Boffelli – Martina Cumerlato. Third on the podium at 33’39” were the other Army athletes Silvia Berra – Manuela Pedrana.

In the men’s standing ovation for Oberbacher -Boffelli, winners in 1h44’42” on Davide Magnini – Michele Boscacci (1h50’42”) and on the new duo composed of the young carabiniere Matteo Sostizzo who for the occasion ran alongside the expert Filippo Beccari (1h56’48”). Off the podium were the youngsters Luca Tomasoni – Rocco Baldini (fourths) and the “locals” Fabio Pasini – Andrea Olivari (fifths).

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1970-01-01 00:00:00


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