Olympic Wins Twelfth Swiss Cup in Intense Final Against Geneva Lions

Olympic Wins Twelfth Swiss Cup in Intense Final Against Geneva Lions

– Olympic offers itself a new Swiss Cup

Published today at 8:15 p.m.

The joy of the Friborg people on Saturday in Saint-Léonard.


You had to see the intensity with which Thibaut Petit split the air with his fist at the final whistle. It would seem that the Friborg technician’s rage to win rubbed off on an entire collective, in Saint-Léonard, where his players spent a crazy amount of energy to channel the talents of the Geneva Lions, clumsy as possible (18/63 shooting). Winner 57-48, Olympic thus won its twelfth Swiss Cup, the third in a row.

This fifth clash in the final between the two strongholds of Swiss basketball – 2-2 before this match – gave rise to a battle of rare intensity, which saw the defenses gain the upper hand on all offensive schemes. After ten minutes the score was 14-15 and at the break it was only 29-25 in favor of Freiburg. Despite the 3 respective fouls from Anabir and Gravet and a five-minute period without a point at the start of the second quarter, the Lions were where they wanted to be: in contact with the Friborg ogre.

The Nottage moment

The final moments before halftime suggested that only Colon seemed to hold the key to Olympic’s defensive lock. By his liveliness and his ability to create his own shot. But the first minutes after returning from the locker room highlighted the address of his teammate Robert Zinn. Sometimes difficult defensively or to mount the ball, Zinn remains a formidable shooter behind the arc – 5 out of 8 on Saturday. However, it was Olympic who took the lead before the final quarter thanks to Martin and the indispensable Kazadi (39-37).

Heckled, the champion finally managed the first break of this final thanks to Nottage: a 3-point shot, a breakthrough to the basket then a perfect reading of the opposing attack to intercept and score. The former leader of the Lions and Massagno scored ten points to give Friborg a lead (51-41) five minutes from the final buzzer. The Genevans, like a terribly unlucky Mbala, never recovered.

Jeremy Santallo has been a journalist at Sport-Center since 2018. A basketball and tennis specialist, he has been to Roland-Garros four times and twice to Wimbledon.More info@jeremy_santallo


2024-04-06 19:50:11
#Basketball #Olympic #offers #Swiss #Cup


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