North Sportsman Julien Provenzano to Run Paris Marathon for Charity

This Sunday, April 7, more than 23,000 runners will set off Paris marathon and among them, a sportsman from the North, Julien Provenzano, young ant very committed. He will run for the benefit of a charity, Action Against Hunger.

Julien started practicing judo in 2000, at the age of 6. He became a club assistant then a coach since he was 18. Passionate about sports since he was little, he is also a sports teacher in a family home in Le Cateau-Cambrésis and gives judo lessons at the Anor-Mondrepuis Dojo.

A committed and united race for Action Against Hunger

Every year, the Schneider Electric Paris Marathon offers the opportunity to run for yourself, but also for others. The principle is simple: open a kitty on the solidarity bib platform for the benefit of one of the associations offered, collect at least €420 in reference to the 42 km and thus obtain your bib.

A solidarity marathon for this runner from the North

Since 2012, more than 6 million euros have been collected for all the associations. This system is becoming more and more popular and young people like Julien are taking advantage of it.

With a small group of friends, we had the idea of ​​marking our 30th birthday by doing the marathon“, he continues. Julien has done one and only race before: a half-marathon in Reims in October. He completes the 21 km in 1 hour 43 minutes.

I have always been passionate about the associative sector. That’s why I give a lot of my time to the Dojo, to the family home, which is an association, and that’s how the idea of ​​making a solidarity marathon. It was up to me to choose the association I wanted to represent. I love to travel. I have always been kind to others and the poverty in other countries touches me. This is why I chose the association ofAction against Hunger“, he concludes.

€650 raised

Julien’s bib was validated a few months ago, since he validated the sum of €650. It is only from this moment that he can claim to run.

It was a small succession of events that made Julien embark on this new objective. A group of 6 friends, the only one in solidarity action, the machine is launched. Julien approaches his race calmly. He trained with his friends. “It’s a small collective project that helps maintain motivation and it’s interesting to do it together. It will make beautiful memories“, he concludes.

If you would like to participate in the prize pool, go to the following link:

Discover the route by clicking here.

2024-04-05 16:20:56
#Ant #Paris #marathon #Action #Hunger


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