Nguyên Thuy Linh Qualifies for Paris Olympics in Badminton

Nguyên Thuy Linh Qualifies for Paris Olympics in Badminton


Nguyên Thuy Linh wins ticket to Paris Olympics

Vietnam’s No. 1 badminton player Nguyên Thuy Linh has just become the 7th Vietnamese athlete to win an official ticket to attend the 2024 Paris Olympics.

e rang mondial”>>> La Vietnamienne Nguyen Thuy Linh se hisse au 40e rang mondial

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La joueuse de badminton Nguyen Thuy Linh. Photo: VNA/CVN

Nguyên Thuy Linh finished the Olympic qualifying round with 48,350 points, ranked 17/35, in group two in the Paris Olympics draw. The player is also enjoying her second consecutive participation in the Olympics, following her achievements at Tokyo 2020.

His success adds to the growing list of Vietnamese athletes who have secured their place at the prestigious Paris 2024 Olympic Games, joining Nguyên Huy Hoàng (swimming), Nguyên Thi Thât (cycling), Trinh Thu Vinh (shooting), Lê Thi Mông Tuyên (shooting), Vo Thi Kim Anh (boxing), Trinh Van Vinh (weightlifting).


2024-04-17 14:31:13
#Nguyên #Thuy #Linh #wins #ticket #Paris #Olympics


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