New transversal no to the Super League from the European Parliament

New no to Super alloy. A question requiring a written answer “to protect the European sporting model and the competitiveness of European football” was submitted by nine MEPs from different parties to the European Commission: Tomasz Frankowski (EPP), Ibán García del Blanco (S&D), Tomasz Piotr Por?ba (ECR), Tiziana Beghin (NI), Matjaž Nemec (S&D), Theodoros Zagorakis (EPP), Michaela Šojdrová (EPP), Sabine Verheyen (EPP), Hannes Heide (S&D).

This is the text of the question: “European football is a European success story. Its success is based on the European sporting model, which requires that key values ​​and principles such as solidarity, openness and sporting merit are respected in the football pyramid, from grassroots to elite level. In line with the policy recommendations in Parliament’s 2021 report on EU sport policy, overwhelming institutional support protects the European sporting model and the competitiveness of European football. EU sports ministers recently asked the Commission to “follow up on the 2021 Council resolution on a European sports model as regards safeguarding the openness of competitions, sporting merit, integrity, solidarity and values ​​in sport”. Can the Commission therefore share its point of view on the further development of the European sporting model and on safeguarding the competitiveness of European football? Has the Commission taken into consideration the EU ministers’ reference to the ‘link between annual performances in national competitions and all European competitions’ also with reference to the principles of the European sporting model of openness and sporting merit in European football? Finally, is the Commission concerned about proposed changes to the way European football competitions are structured, such that teams can no longer be confident of qualifying directly from their national leagues each season?”

2024-04-09 06:29:54
#transversal #Super #League #European #Parliament


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