Mexican Archers Head to Pan American Championship in San Salvador 2024

*The selected Mexican archers will travel from May 4 to 13 to the Pan American Championship of the specialty in San Salvador 2024.

After three days of competition at the Tlahuicole Stadium, the Mexican Youth Archery Team was defined, which will represent the country in the Pan American Championship, to be held from May 4 to 13 in the Salvadoran country, in addition to other international sports events. , which will be attended by the 16 best in this sport.

The above, after the National Under 18 and Under 21 Selective Tournament was held, which was held in the State of Tlaxcala, from the 19th to the 21st of this month, in which the athletes faced changes in weather.

The goalkeepers who will integrate the selection, in men’s under 21, are from Chihuahua, Coahuila and Jalisco, Francisco Javier Marquez Saenz, Juan Pablo Téllez Aguirre and Osvaldo Ramirez Morales and in women’s under 21, from Nuevo Leon, Jalisco and Queretaro, Mariana Fernanda Salas Mendez, Marisol Gonzalez Garcia and Cristina Villalon Andrade, respectively.

In the men’s sub 21 compound, from Yucatán, Elías Reyes Cravioto; from Baja California, Carlos Manuel Flores González and from Tamaulipas, Jorge Arturo Gómez Basilio; in the women’s branch, from Baja California, Adriana Castillo Ruiz and Ximena Estrada Saucedo; and from Jalisco, Regina Bernal Sánchez.

In recurve, sub 18 category, men, from the state of Querétaro, Leonardo Pacheco Nava, and in women, Yareni Miranda Chab Quintal, from Quintana Roo; in compound, men’s sub 18, from Querétaro, Víctor Esteban Portillo Lizardo; and for women, Lía Carolina Lugo Romero.

This is how the athletes completed their participation and hope to return to the entity, not only for sporting reasons, but also to take a moment to visit with their families.

“Even though it is a very small state, the truth is, we had the opportunity to go downtown and try the food; They have very cool food. I liked the competition facilities, although, definitely, the weather is a little strange,” commented archer Laura María Laniz Madrigal, from Nuevo León.

“Here Tlaxcala, even though it rains and then hails, the city is very noble, the people are very friendly, so it is very good to return and I would recommend it to visit,” said the athlete Raúl Tadeo Rodríguez, from the state of Coahuila, who participated in recurve sub 21.

It is expected that the state of Tlaxcala will continue to participate in national events that bring together the best exponents of sports in the country, to encourage new youth to promote development and health in harmony with social coexistence.

2024-04-23 00:10:19
#Arrows #wind #Tlaxcala #headquarters #successful #national #youth #archery #duel #Degrees


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