Metrayen Judo Club Hosts Successful Inter-Club Meeting with Five Teams from Tours

Metrayen Judo Club Hosts Successful Inter-Club Meeting with Five Teams from Tours

A friendly inter-club meeting was organized on Saturday April 13, 2024 by the new taiso section of the Metrayen judo club. It was a first for the club, initiated by the new coach, Lenny Créno, and a project monitored by members of the association’s office. Five teams from Tours took part in the challenge events set up by around thirty volunteers. The ninety participants had to perform fun cross training with several indoor and outdoor events thanks to very pleasant weather, all in a good atmosphere. The organizers are satisfied with the organization of this first friendly meeting.

The club currently offers the opportunity to come and try out for free one of the four different classes offered each week.

Contact, information: [email protected] or Website:

2024-04-22 07:06:43
#successful #interclub #friendly #meeting #taiso


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