Mercedes Team Boss Toto Wolff Denies Meeting Rumors with Max Verstappen

30/04/2024 17:23
| door Shanna Lutgert

Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff contradicts rumors that Mercedes management will sit down with Max Verstappen after the Miami Grand Prix. According to Wolff, that is all made up and the meeting will not take place after the race this weekend. He indicates that if something like this were to happen, it would take place behind closed doors and would not leak out.

Reports from Germany suggested that Mercedes’ top management, both the Formula 1 team and the company, wanted to have a serious conversation with Verstappen. Not only with the three-time world champion, but also with father Jos Verstappen and manager Raymond Vermeulen. That should take place after Miami. At the meeting, shareholders Wolff, CEO Ola Källenius, and James Ratcliffe, the owner of INEOS, would also like to meet the Verstappens. According to Wolff, that is not true at all. “No, that’s a rumor,” the Austrian responds Reuters. “People are making up meetings, making up what should be done with the drivers, but these things should be kept behind closed doors and everything that came out wasn’t really accurate.”

Wolff, who has known Verstappen’s father for years, has made no secret of the fact that he would like to sign Verstappen as Hamilton’s replacement. The Mercedes team boss keeps trying and trying, and so there is a lot of speculation as to whether the switch to Mercedes will actually happen in the future. Verstappen himself has indicated that he does not want to go anywhere because he is still satisfied, but then he must be in a quiet environment and the key figures must remain in place. Now that rumors are also circulating about Newey’s departure, the question remains whether Verstappen wants to stay. “Adrian Newey is an iconic engineer in Formula 1 with an impressive track record and here too there are so many people talking about what he could ultimately do and whether he leaves Red Bull or not,” Wolff said. “I just watch it as a fan and see what happens.”

Mercedes ready for Miami: ‘Let’s see what the stopwatch says’

Mercedes is bringing an upgrade package to Miami after a mixed season so far. Hamilton finished second in the first sprint race of the season in Shanghai, but has not yet finished higher than seventh. Teammate George Russell has a best result of fifth place and Mercedes are currently fourth in the standings. ‘We don’t really know what to expect because it has been a difficult season so far. Let’s see what the stopwatch says,” Wolff concludes.

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