Kim Polling to Compete for Italy in Future Judo Competitions

Orange PicturesKim Bolling

Sports News•Yesterday, at 3.18pm

Judoka Kim Polling wants to compete for Italy in the future. The Judo Association of the Netherlands (JBN) has reported that it is cooperating in a rapid change of nationality of the four-time European champion in the category up to 70 kg.

Poling, 33, has lived in Italy since 2017, where she has built a life with her husband and daughter. Poling, who submitted his application to the Judo Federation on March 29, will now have the opportunity to be included in the selection of the best athletes for the Italian Police and Defense, JBN reported.

the Olympic Games

It is expected that Bolling will also be able to participate in this capacity at the Paris Olympics next summer. She has one Olympic appearance to her name in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, where she was eliminated in the eight-man final.

For the Tokyo 2021 Games, he lost to San Van Dyck and Van Dyck also has better credentials for Paris to win the Netherlands’ only starting ticket in the up to 70kg category.

“With this selection he will be able to be part of the Italian judo team, but the economic future of his family will also be guaranteed after his active sporting career,” the Judo Federation writes in a statement.

The pollster briefly commented on her decision on X:

The Judo Federation says Poling will immediately leave the national JBN program and will no longer be sent to international tournaments on behalf of the Netherlands.


Additionally, the ballot is no longer eligible for JBN support and its A status with global sports organization NOC*NSF is no longer valid. “This decision is irreversible,” JBN said in a statement.

“Before Kim can finally play for Italy, there are still many steps to take, over which JBN has no influence.”

Poll responded to his decision via Instagram. “If I could have looked into a crystal ball on New Year’s Eve and seen that I would be saying goodbye to the Dutch judo team after three months, I would have been surprised,” he wrote.

“I am very grateful to the Dutch Judo Federation for giving me this opportunity. So I say goodbye to JBN and TeamNL. It’s a sudden end, but for my part I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful and respectful farewell.”

2024-04-04 01:20:09
#Judoka #Polling #play #Italy #Irreversible #decision


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