Junior Handball Teams Competing for Promotion to Upper League: Qualifying Rounds Begin This Weekend

Junior Handball Teams Competing for Promotion to Upper League: Qualifying Rounds Begin This Weekend

In addition to the female B juniors, the A, B and C juniors also want to go to the upper league. The B-youths start the first qualifying round this weekend. The B-Juniors are going to Nuremberg on Sunday, where they first have to compete against SV Michelfeld, HSG Weidhausen-Ebersodrf, TC 77 Lauf and HCB Nürnberg. If they come in first to third place in the overall ranking, they advance to the next round. At the same time, the B juniors will compete in Bayreuth, where they will play against HaSpo Bayreuth, JSG Fürther Land and HBC Nürnberg. Here too, places one to three are eligible to take part in the second round. The A-Juniors will be on Saturday, April 20th. in Oberviechtach against TSV Weißenburg, HC Oberviechtach and JSG Fürther Land. If they end up in the top two, the round continues. If this doesn’t work, you automatically go to the district league. Also on April 20th. The male C-Juniors start in Nuremberg against SG Neutraubling-Regensburg, HV Oberviechtach, HC Erlangen 2 and HCB Nürnberg. Here third place is again enough for the second round. Apart from the A-Juniors, all SG teams would have to qualify again for the district league if they ended up in the lower places.

2024-04-11 15:40:32
#Handball #junior #league #juniors #start #indoor #qualification #regional


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