Jessica’s story, spending THR to watch Red Sparks

Jessica’s story, spending THR to watch Red Sparks


Jessica, 28 years old, gave up her THR (Holiday Allowance) to be able to watch Megawati and Red Sparks at the Indonesia Arena, on Saturday (20/4/2024). This is the story.

Jessica was one of dozens of fans who packed the Indonesia Arena stands to take part in the activities of Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi and Red Sparks.

Starting from fan signing at 10.00 WIB until the match against Indonesia All Star at 18.11 WIB.

Not only was she able to watch live and take photos together, Jessica also took part in playing the chain hula hoop game with the Red Sparks players.

“Actually, at first I didn’t want to go to the fan signing but wanted to catch (tickets) for Cat 1 because I just wanted to watch. I just couldn’t get a good seat, there were seats at the top. Well, never mind, when else can I meet them? Well, that’s enough gas,” said Jessica when met after the fan signing.

“My preparation for coming here was to learn Korean again and look for gifts for the athletes because I don’t know when they will be able to return to Indonesia. And Mega is no longer with them either, so that there is a happy impression while in Indonesia,” said Jessica.

“I gave you a wooden bracelet because actually in Indonesia wooden bracelets like this are quite typical. I bought it because I didn’t have time to make it,” he continued.

Jessica hunts for signatures of Red Sparks retainers (Photo: Mercy Raya/detikSport)

The woman from Bandung admitted that the ticket price she bought was quite expensive, especially since she also had to prepare small gifts for the Red Sparks players. For your information, fan signing tickets are priced at more than IDR 5 million. That’s without taxes and so on.

“You say it’s expensive, yes it’s really expensive. The THR has also been lost. Yes, you can find the THR again,” he said then laughed.

Even so, Jessica considers the price and capital spent to be quite commensurate. Because, not only can she meet face to face and ask for autographs, Jessica can take group photos and play games with the Red Sparks players.

Worth it because I had time to join the game too and could chat with them and take selfies. “Usually when there is a Korean event, we are not allowed to take selfies and usually we are not allowed to bring cell phones at all,” said Jessica.

“So that’s not bad worth it and get a jersey, sign ball Also. So that’s OK,” he said.


2024-04-20 08:23:03
#Jessicas #story #spending #THR #watch #Red #Sparks


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