“It’s Madrid opposite”: Karim Benzema celebrates Real’s qualification by toasting with a coffee

“It’s Madrid opposite”: Karim Benzema celebrates Real’s qualification by toasting with a coffee

And here comes Benzema again. Accustomed to being talked about for his setbacks in Saudi Arabia, the 2022 Ballon d’Or stood out this Thursday morning for his little message of support for his former Real Madrid teammates, winners of Manchester City in the League quarter-finals. champions at the end of the suspense (1-1, 3-4 tab).

In a story published this Thursday morning on his Snapchat account, the second top scorer in the history of the Madrid club (354 goals) contented himself with a little video with coffee in hand and a cap from the Aston Formula 1 team. Martin, without saying anything. You actually have to pay attention to the sound. “Wow, it’s Madrid opposite”, we can hear, uttered by a certain Thierry Henry. An extract from 2018 before a PSG-Real Madrid match. “You don’t play against Pontault Combault or Draveil,” he continued at the time.

Words which recall those of the former KB9 coach Carlo Ancelotti, still at the head of Real, at the end of the meeting this Wednesday evening. ” Survive ? We have known how to do this for years. We always get out of inextricable situations. Everyone thought we were dead but Real never dies,” recalled the Italian coach. As a reminder, the Madrid club has participated in 12 of the last 14 Champions League semi-finals.


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