Inter Legend Zanetti Praises Darmian: An Honor for an Inter Player

For an Inter player there are few greater honors than receiving compliments from a legend of the Nerazzurri club like Javier Zanetti: this is what happened to Matteo Darmian, honored by the historic Inter captain in a comment on a post on Instagram .

Inter, Darmian’s post on the championship celebration

“How beautiful you are Milan, Nerazzurri”. These are the words with which Matteo Darmian accompanied some photos and a video taken from Inter’s Scudetto celebration yesterday: the streets of the city dressed in Nerazzurri, the open bus with Simone Inzaghi’s players celebrating, Darmian himself rejoicing arms in the air. He could hardly have imagined that under that post congratulations from an Inter legend would arrive.

Inter, Zanetti’s words for Darmian

In fact, among the comments on the photos published on Instagram by Darmian, there is also one signed by Javier Zanetti, historic Inter captain of the Treble. “Just one word, example,” wrote the former footballer, accompanying the sentence with a series of applause in the form of emojis. A very clear sign of the immense esteem that Zanetti has for Darmian, a player who proved to be fundamental for flexibility and continuity of performance in Inter, champions of Italy.

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Inter, according to plaudin Darmian

Naturally, Zanetti’s comment sparked reactions from Inter fans. “I completely agree, dear captain. Darmian is a very rare example of humility, dedication and professionalism, just like you,” writes Fabio. “Coming from the captain, this comment has more value,” underlines Francesco. “Zanetti is right, Darmian is the player that all coaches would like,” adds Ricky.


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