Ine Beyen Finds ‘New Love’ in Fashion World

Ine Beyen formed a couple with (the now retired) cyclist Serge Pauwels for many years. The two had two daughters, Odille (8) and Marcelle (7), but have since divorced. Numerous rumors followed afterwards, but Beyen himself now surprised with a ‘new love’.

Intense bond with Olivier Deschacht

Anyone who watches Special Forces VIPS will undoubtedly have noticed that the ex-cyclist is one of the participants, alongside Olivier Deschacht, among others.

The fact that Beyen would participate came as a surprise, Natalia was initially going to participate, but the singer dropped out due to a broken little finger. Ine was asked the question only 10 days in advance and without too much preparation she took part in the demanding program.

“This could have been the last straw”

The reason behind her participation was one for a clear reason. “The last two years – due to the divorce – have been quite difficult. This could have been the final straw or revived me. It has become the second. I am quite happy and so are the children. Everyone has adapted well to the new situation.” This is what Beyen noted Story.

In recent months there have been rumors about an affair between Ine and Ruben Van Gucht, the two almost form a permanent duo at women’s cycling races. But the ex-rider did not discuss this in this interview either.

New love

On Instagram, Beyen just showed off ‘a new love’, albeit in the fashion field. “Belgian label from an enterprising woman. In love with my outfit”, she said with enthusiasm and the reactions of her many followers also spoke volumes: “Wolapoolakesssss” or “You look beautiful” were just a few of the praising ones. comments:


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