Increasing Physical Activity in Schools: A Focus on Sports and Motor Skills

Increasing Physical Activity in Schools: A Focus on Sports and Motor Skills

Children who complete motor skills courses, others who do bike rides, still others who have a ball at their feet. To promote the practice of sport in schools, the Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet was at the Jean-Macé school in Nice this Friday, accompanied by the mayor of the city Christian Estrosi, the skier Matthieu Bailet and Didier Deschamps and his deputy Guy Stéphan. After taking a tour of the establishment, the Blues coach focused on the need to practice sport at all ages.

“National Education recommends practicing 30 minutes of sporting activity per day. How far along are you?
I do more than 30 minutes, unless I’m traveling. This is a recommendation for adults but especially for children, to get them used to it. This sporting activity is important for their well-being. No matter the activity. It allows us to come together and have a break on a psychological level. When speaking with teachers, they report feeling that there are moments in the day when tension can rise, when concentration is no longer there, when listening is less good. Doing sport at this time lowers the pressure to better start again. Not necessarily 30 minutes, it can be 10 minutes several times. Everything related to motor skills is important at school, especially at a young age, when it develops very quickly. Including sport in education is important.

“The school has a fundamental role. (…) Not everyone has the possibility outside of school to have access to infrastructure”

Sport can also relieve tensions between schoolchildren…
Also. And it allows you to learn the values ​​of sharing, respect and authority. Being together for an activity takes away a lot of nerves. Everything that is fun brings a little lightness and goes in the direction of well-being and living well together.

Parents also have a role to play in this…
Yes, but it depends on their possibilities. The school has a fundamental role. Being able to include a “sporting activity” part in your timetable is very good, because not everyone has the opportunity to have access to infrastructure outside of school.

When we are adults, we can forget this need to play sports. After your football career, was there a time when you stopped playing sports?
Never, it’s not possible for me: my body and my mind are too used to sporting activity. They need this. Sometimes a little excessively. But you don’t necessarily need high-intensity activities. It could be yoga, stretching, movements. Even if it’s just walking. Beyond the motor aspect, on a psychological level, doing sport obviously has a very positive influence. »

2024-04-12 13:37:42
#Didier #Deschamps #Including #sport #education #important


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