Inability to Respond to Intensity: Anderlecht’s Struggles in the Playoffs

Inability to Respond to Intensity: Anderlecht’s Struggles in the Playoffs

1. Unable to respond to intensity

”Anderlecht conceded its second defeat in the play-offs, the second away where Sporting, like all the other teams in these OPs, is suffering. But as in Bruges, the deficit in physical impact of the people of Brussels was palpable. In Bruges, they were pushed around for 35 minutes. There, they were eaten up in the duels by being unable to bring out the balls given the pressure put on by the Limburgers. Hence the replacement of Léoni by Delaney who is stronger, there was no other choice. And the Dane’s entry says a lot about consistency. With the opposing pressure, Anderlecht found itself in uncomfortable situations. From the moment they do not know how to respond in duels like in Bruges, it becomes unplayable for them. They were not able to respond to this intensity. Even Vertonghen was shaken up. He is responsible for the goal even if the pass line should have been cut. Afterwards, it’s not an attitude problem, they simply don’t have the weapons to face this type of pressure.”

Jan Vertonghen explains his “bastard” side which irritated Mourinho and Genk: “I irritate the opposing fans with only one goal, which Anderlecht wins”


Anderlecht does not have the weapons to face this type of pressing

2. Riemer is not proactive

”If Riemer ended up switching his organization to a 4-4-2, once again, he does it because he endures things. This tactical change occurs in reaction, not in action. He is not proactive and lacks a plan B. He is stuck to his 4-3-3. If there was improvement in the second half with this superb equalizer from Dreyer, this can also be explained by the lack of fuel in the Genk engine where Fadera with his activity, his races well summed up the identity of the game Limburgers.”

Anderlecht was once again dramatic away and only gained points at home in these playoffs: would a 15 out of 30 be enough for the title?

3. Thorgan was greatly missed

”In Genk, Ait El Hadj was logically overmotivated. But like Anderlecht’s second away defeat, this success resembles in certain points the victory against the Union. With enormous intensity from the four in the middle. Which was predictable. Riemer should have anticipated this problem of numerical inferiority in the middle. And one Thorgan was greatly missed. With his tactical intelligence, he would have understood that it was necessary to win and his technical accuracy could have allowed him to escape from the pressing. And his injury will have a considerable impact on the rest of the POs in this type of meeting.”

Kasper Schmeichel is disappointed but still believes in the title with Anderlecht: “Losing in the playoffs is not the end of the world”

4. These penalties are whistleable

”On the penalty, I totally agree with Vrancken. As a former player, it’s sometimes hard to see this type of penalty awarded. But these penalties can be whistled, this is how the regulations are made. Riemer complains but it’s a valid geometry: he does it because it doesn’t suit him in this phase. It’s a national sport.”

2024-04-22 09:00:00
#Tit #tat #Teklak #Brian #Riemer #lacks #plan


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