High1 Disabled Sports Team Dominates Employment Recruitment in Province

High1 Disabled Sports Team Dominates Employment Recruitment in Province

Half of the players recruited by companies in the province belong to the High1 Disabled Sports Team.

Employment of Persons with Disabilities (PG)

[제작 이태호] Photo synthesis, illustration

(Jeongseon = Yonhap News) Reporter Bae Yeon-ho = Kangwon Land announced on the 19th that it plans to recruit five additional disabled players in the second half of this year.

Kangwon Land established the High1 Disabled Sports Team in October last year, consisting of 25 players in five sports, including lawnball, boccia, and badminton, to support independence and improve the employment environment for the disabled.

If Kangwon Land recruits five additional disabled players, the number of players on the High1 disabled sports team will increase to 30.


This corresponds to about half of the total of 61 disabled athletes hired by companies in the province through a project to recruit disabled athletes for sports positions.

In celebration of the 44th Day of Persons with Disabilities, Kangwon Land delivered a letter of support from Acting CEO Cheol-gyu Choi and special products from the Jeongseon region to the players of the High1 Disabled Sports Team.

Acting Director Choi said, “The High1 Disabled Sports Team is working hard in many ways to provide the best treatment to its players,” and added, “We will continue to spare no effort in supporting the players to improve their welfare and increase their skills.”

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Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2024/04/19 10:03 Sent

2024-04-19 01:09:40
#Kangwon #Land #recruits #additional #disabled #players #year


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