Hidalgo Archery Association Prepares for Fourth Conade National Games with State Selection Tournament

The Hidalgo Archery Association (AHTA) closes this morning its process towards the fourth Conade National Games (JNC) 2024, with the celebration of the second state one.

The activity will take place in the area for this sport at the Hidalguense and High Performance Sports Center (CDHAR), where the actions are scheduled at 9:00 am.

The first state competition was held just 15 days ago, in this same setting, with the presence of 16 shooters, who sought to make the mark in this initial opportunity, to secure their place in the JNC.

The process started with the base of archers who train at the CDHAR, added to those from the Tulancingo school, which a couple of weeks ago reappeared in official events, presenting four of its best cards.

After this second selection, the AHTA, headed by Oldair Zamora Nava, will announce the names of its athletes who gave to the brand, whom in the coming days it will register for the highest sporting event in the country.

Archery achieved three bronzes in the previous edition of the JNC, with José Omar Chávez Hernández, Víctor Daniel Fuentes Guerrero and Diego Arturo Ocampo Salas.

2024-04-06 01:17:38
#celebrate #state #archery #event #CDHAR


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