Gotti, having regret for a 0-0 draw with Roma is positive

01-04-2024 – 21:11

(ANSA) – LECCE, 01 APR – “We are satisfied, the team faced and managed the match with courage, there were many opportunities, and on our part there is regret. We remember the two months of Roma, however this Lecce held the pitch is good, but it’s clear that you concede something. But given what we have produced, we are the ones who regret it.” Luca Gotti, Lecce coach, welcomes the draw against Roma with moderate satisfaction, and also with a hint of regret. Then he continues: “After the three very important points in Salerno I had some doubts, but a lot goes by the management of the ball in that match and the one we had today.

Every match has its own story, we regret the many chances created.” “At the end of the match they came to show me the video with the chances – revealed Gotti – but I didn’t want to see it. But being disappointed about a point taken against Roma is a good sign for us.” Certainly, it is a point that boosts morale and continues the quest for salvation for his men: “Nothing changes – admits Gotti, there are many matches to play, it’s a mistake to only look at the table, we have to look at the team, look for the conditions to score more points. I don’t look back, we won four points without conceding a goal, we hold onto these aspects.” Can Dorgu play further forward? “It’s an intuition that has some connotations of happiness – replies the Lecce coach -, the boy has done good things, he doesn’t worry and manages the race. Time will tell us if we can think so.” Will the two strikers see each other again in Lecce? “If the team manages to support two pure attackers plus Almqvist against Roma – explains Gotti – then I think it’s something that can be repeated against any opponent.” (ANSA ).

01-04-2024 – 21:11

2024-04-01 19:17:02
#Gotti #regret #draw #Roma #positive


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