Godo Baseball Serie A Team Begins Qualifying Round with a Bang

Godo Baseball Serie A Team Begins Qualifying Round with a Bang

The Godo Baseball Serie A team has started playing the qualifying round: on Saturday the 20th they started at home against Athletics Bologna, the first match at 3pm, the second at 8pm.

“This year – they write from Godo Baseball – we start with a bang, and what a bang! The first throw of the ball at the start of the 3pm match, in fact, was made by the President of the Emilia-Romagna Region Stefano Bonaccini. He promised it to us about a year ago in an event organized by Radio Imagineria in Forlì during which our boys told the drama of the flood we had suffered a few months earlier and the extraordinary work that allowed us to continue playing the various championships regularly , starting with Serie A. Bonaccini has remembered and kept his promise and has committed to being there for some time. It was a great honor for us to host him.”

2024-04-20 21:47:33
#Godo #Baseballs #Serie #team #start #home #Athletics #Bologna #pitch #Bonaccini


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