Frenchman Salahdine Parnasse knocks out his opponent in the first round (video)

Frenchman Salahdine Parnasse knocks out his opponent in the first round (video)

By Ad.B.

Published 28 minutes ago, Updated 23 minutes ago

Salahdine Parnasse retains his belt in the under 70 kg category. Baptiste Autissier / Baptiste Autissier / Panoramic

Highly anticipated during the KSW Paris evening on Saturday, Parnasse (26 years old) won in the first round against the Moldovan Valeriu Mircea and retains his belt in the under 70 kg category.

«I didn’t expect to do a high-kick like that, I really believe that for MMA, it’s the training that pays off.» Signed Salahdine Parnasse, after his four minutes of combat Saturday evening at KSW Paris. With a devastating kick, the 26-year-old Frenchman knocked out Moldovan Valeriu Mircea in the first round and defended his under 70 kg belt.

This spectacular knockout is only the fourth in twenty-three fights in the career of Parnasse, accustomed to victories by submission or decision. He now has twenty successes for only two defeats.

This was the first fight for the native of Seine-Saint-Denis in front of a French audience since 2017, and his last planned in the contract which binds him to the Polish KSW league. Parnasse is now likely to join other leagues, such as the PFL, in which Cédric Doumbè, Baki and Francis Ngannou play, or the UFC, a leading global league. Unless he continues his adventure with the KSW, of which he is more than ever the king.


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