Freight traffic grows by 43% in the Port of Malaga during the first quarter of this year |

Freight traffic grows by 43% in the Port of Malaga during the first quarter of this year |

The Port of Malaga increased its merchandise traffic during the first quarter of 2024. The Port moved nearly 800,000 tons during this stage, which represents an increase of 43% compared to the same period of the previous year.

The Red Sea crisis, which has led shipping companies to choose other safer routes in the Western Mediterranean, as well as the agreement reached with MSC to resume the regular container line, has promoted the increase in this activity during the first three months of the year. .

In this sense, container operations grew by 178% between January and March, with a movement of 179,861 tons.

In relation to the import of new vehicles, the figures also reveal a significant increase of 117.5%, having unloaded nearly 30,000 units destined for the rest of the Spanish territory and Portugal in the first quarter.

For its part, solid bulk experienced an increase of 20%, with a movement of 409,309 tons. Agri-food products account for more than 70% of the total of this activity, highlighting the movement of cereals and their flour.

To these figures we must add the 41% growth in liquid bulk operations, with a movement of 29,576 tons in the first quarter of 2024, oil being the main product.

Finally, we must also highlight the growth of rolled cargo, with a movement of 169,310 tons, which represents an increase of 27% compared to the same period in 2023.

After the positive figures collected in the first quarter, the trend is expected to continue upwards in the coming months.

2024-04-19 06:43:10
#Freight #traffic #grows #Port #Malaga #quarter #year


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