Florian Neuhaus Nears Return as Borussia Mönchengladbach Prepares for Dortmund Clash

Florian Neuhaus Nears Return as Borussia Mönchengladbach Prepares for Dortmund Clash

Slight relaxation in an important personnel at Borussia Mönchengladbach: Florian Neuhaus, who was recently injured, could be available again on Saturday.

Florian Neuhaus is approaching his comeback. IMAGO/foal photo

Under the eyes of the current class of football teachers from Switzerland, who are spending a week at Borussia Park and working with compatriot Gerardo Seoane, Florian Neuhaus entered the training field with his teammates on Tuesday afternoon. The Achilles tendon problems that prevented the midfielder from playing in the away game at VfL Wolfsburg have largely been resolved.

Neuhaus was able to complete large parts of the program in the first unit of the new training week. However, it is still too early for the green light for the next home game against Borussia Dortmund. It now remains to be seen how Neuhaus’ Achilles tendon reacts to the strain in training. It will probably not be clear until Thursday at the earliest whether the midfielder can strengthen the Gladbach squad again on Saturday. When the Foals make their next attempt against Dortmund, they will win two Bundesliga victories in a row for the first time in over two years.

The last time Borussia managed this was in March 2022 with wins against Hertha (2-0) and in Bochum (2-0). “The win in Wolfsburg gave us a boost of energy. But we have to keep working with concentration, because a completely different game awaits us against Dortmund,” said Seoane after the session.

Kramer continues to pause – individual unit for Koné

The entire squad was not available to the VfL coach on Tuesday despite Neuhaus’ return. Midfielder Christoph Kramer, who had already been out sick in Wolfsburg, was still sidelined. Manu Koné (torn hamstring) completed an individual session. Tony Jantschke continues to suffer from adductor problems. And Alassane Plea didn’t come on the pitch on Tuesday for reasons of load management, especially since he came out of the Wolfsburg game with an injury (hit on the calf). According to the plan, the Frenchman should train with the team again on Wednesday.

2024-04-09 16:16:16
#Mönchengladbach #Positive #signals #Neuhaus #Dortmund


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