“Few goals in the world score Osimhen’s goal! It reminded me of one from CR7”

The former footballer and currently talent in the DAZN team Emanuele Giaccherini spoke on Kiss Kiss Napoli: “The Napoli of the Scudetto was back again, in the interval Calzona must have touched the right chords and the spirit of the champions. In the second half, in fact, Napoli played with malice and with that quality that the team has in its legs, enhancing the characteristics of the individuals. Osimhen’s goal freed the team mentally, it was the spark that triggered something in the team. Goals like that of the Nigerian Few footballers in the world do it, it reminded me of Cristiano Ronaldo’s with Sampdoria, he rose to heaven and his elevation was sensational. Yesterday’s second half makes you understand how much this team could have done and how much unfortunately it didn’t do , because he could easily have played it out until the end.

Conte in Napoli’s future? Napoli could return to being the protagonists, because they would bring that mentality that is needed to achieve great goals, but I would only see him well in Napoli if the great champions remained. But if you have to rebuild and you don’t aim to win immediately then I don’t know if it can be the right choice.”

2024-04-08 13:50:36
#goals #world #score #Osimhens #goal #reminded #CR7


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