Exploring the Impact of Judo for Parkinson’s Patients: Project JOY and Gensoku No Genkei

Exploring the Impact of Judo for Parkinson’s Patients: Project JOY and Gensoku No Genkei

Yesterday, Thursday 11 April, is World Parkinson’s Day. The right time, therefore, to present an innovative project which, just yesterday, completed a suitable period of testing (three months) carried out on the tatami of the Olympic Center in Ostia. The name of the project is JOY and Judo is his experimental “medicine”.

The author of the following text is Play Lampethe Slovenian component of the project.

Embracing Judo for Parkinson’s Patients: Presentation Gensoku No Genkei

At Project JOY, we are committed to exploring the profound impact of Judo beyond conventional methods. Yesterday, in fact, we shed light on an innovative approach: Judo for Parkinson’s patients.

The proposal is Gensoku No Genkei (原則の原型), a kata infused with the simplest yet biomechanically valued human movements, along with safe falling techniques.

But it’s not just a sequence of movements, it’s a gateway to neuro-rehabilitation. For those battling Parkinson’s, this kata serves as a beacon of hope, slowing the motor deterioration that often accompanies the condition.

How does it work? Gensoku No Genkei is not just physical effort, it is a symphony of rhythmic movements performed with the collaboration of a partner. And the benefits don’t end there, because the stimulus of running barefoot is added, activating the proprioceptive mechanisms of the feet, enhancing balance and coordination.

But what do those who cross their feet and lose their balance do?

They can use Suri ashi walking, a special technique that involves sliding feet on the tatami, thus ensuring support and therefore balance and stability in those suffering from Parkinson’s. Patients with Parkinson’s disease can, among other things, benefit from the assistance of younger judokas once they have learned the sequence of movements.

Gensoku No Genkei kata adapted for Parkinson’s patients was developed by our colleague in the project Attilio Sacripanti, doctor of nuclear physicist, author of 164 scientific articles, 295 international citations, 24 books. Judo black belt 7 Dan, international judo instructor and referee, former research director for innovative technologies in ENEA, Coordinator of EU industrial programs, holder of 8 industrial patents, Professor of biomechanics for sport and paralympic sport at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, for ten years. For the European Judo Union (EJU) he is Commissioner for Research, director of two international post-graduate Masters in Judo, between EJU, University of Tor Vergata and Italian Judo Federation FIJLKAM, awarded with the first scientific prize by EJU, Lisbon 2021 , author of 14 textbooks on the biomechanics of judo and other sports, Senior Biomechanics Consultant at the International Judo Federation (IJF) Academy Foundation (Malta) has focused his latest research on the safety of judo practitioners, with some specific applications to the elderly .

This case study will be presented to Nagoya next April 24th.

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2024-04-12 18:13:04
#Embracing #Judo #Parkinsons #Patients #ISSN


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