Exploring New Sports: A Year of Physical Education Projects at Galilei School’s Messeretico Branch

This year, we students of the Messeretico branch of the Galilei school participated in five sports projects, thanks to the availability of our physical education and Spanish teachers. At the beginning of the year the physical education teacher took us to the Camparada athletics field in Reggio Emilia. For this activity the Atletica Reggio company made the field available to us and we mainly carried out four sports disciplines: vortex, long jump, relay and speed over fifty and sixty metres. In these tests we were classified based on the results obtained.

Then, like every year, the Christmas tournaments are held in our school. In the last days before the holidays, classes of the same age competed in volleyball and basketball competitions. In basketball we shot baskets: the class that scored the most won.

Subsequently we experimented with the flag football project, a sport similar to rugby which has recently been part of the Olympics. This game consists of bringing the ball into the opponent’s field without having the flag tied to your waist stolen. The game begins with the person throwing the ball, called the quarterback. This player positions himself in the center of the field and tries to make a pass to a teammate, who must be able to make a try, i.e. bring the ball into the opponent’s field. In our experience this sport has enhanced the sportsmanship of the competition.

After the tournaments, in January we participated in the flamenco project thanks to our Spanish teacher. A professional dancer, a native Spanish speaker, came to our school to teach us the fundamental steps of this dance. To start, the dancer performed some choreographies, then she called some boys to try playing the castanets. Finally, some of us tried to replicate what we had learned, with the help of the dancer.

We have recently started to delve into a new sport: badminton, which resembles tennis, but has different rules and tools.

Tournaments were also organized before the Easter holidays, in which the top three in each class participated.

We are very happy and satisfied because this year we were able to try sports that many of us had never played and, perhaps, someone will have become curious and will want to practice this sport outside of the school environment.

We are proud that our school has offered us these activities and we hope to be able to do many more.

Classes II E and II F

2024-04-10 07:13:06
#Flag #football #badminton #flamenco


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