Exciting start to the tenth ‘Andrea Bertolino’ Quadrangular Archery Trophy in Bondeno

Exciting start to the tenth ‘Andrea Bertolino’ Quadrangular Archery Trophy in Bondeno

The first stage of the tenth “Andrea Bertolino” Quadrangular Archery Trophy took place in Bondeno. An interregional competition dedicated to youth categories created by the Fitarco Regional Committee with the aim of stimulating and involving young people who practice archery in an event dedicated to them. “It was a beautiful morning of outdoor sports which saw the participation of 52 young athletes from 9 to 20 years old – is the comment of the Sports Councilor, Ornella Bonati, present at the event –. A heartfelt thanks to the Asd Arcieri Bondeno, now in its third year of organizing this commendable event which, in addition to promoting the sporting competition itself, also has the aim of introducing new boys and girls to a discipline that requires high doses of concentration and technique”. The medals awarded, given the partial nature of the competition, are a quarter of the entire medal: an achievement that young athletes will be able to achieve by finishing in the top three places in all four phases of the tournament.

2024-04-17 04:36:08
#athletes #archery #tournament


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