Discover the Benefits of Joining the Senshu Dojo Judo Club in Oaxaca de Juárez

The Senshu Dojo Judo Club is a martial arts school located in Elsa, 68010 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico. It has a rating of 5 out of 5 based on 2 reviews.

The club offers judo classes for all ages and levels, from beginners to advanced. Classes are taught by certified and experienced instructors who are dedicated to helping students develop their judo skills and techniques.

The club also offers special programs for children and teenagers, which focus on teaching them discipline, respect and self-confidence. Additionally, the club regularly organizes tournaments and events so students can compete and demonstrate their skills.

The Senshu Dojo Judo Club is a safe and welcoming place to learn and practice judo. The instructors are patient and helpful, and are always willing to help students improve. The club also has well-equipped facilities so that students can train in a comfortable and safe environment.

If you are interested in learning judo, the Senshu Dojo Judo Club is an excellent option. They offer classes for all ages and levels, and their instructors are highly qualified and experienced. The club also offers special programs for children and teens, and regularly hosts tournaments and events so students can compete and demonstrate their skills.

Address: Elsa, 68010 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, Mexico, Mexico
Telephone: +52 951 190 3435
Contact: It does not inform your contact email.
Activity: martial arts school
Time: Check for opening hours.
Website: It doesn’t have a website.

2024-04-02 03:42:20
#Judo #Club #senshu #dojo #Martial #arts #school #Oaxaca #Juárez #Oaxaca #Mexico


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