Director General Antonella Iunti Announces Student Sports Competitions in Crotone

Director General Antonella Iunti Announces Student Sports Competitions in Crotone

Antonella Iunti, director general Usr Calabria April 15, 2024 2:59 p.m

The Student Sports Competitions, an important event for youth sports, will have as
Crotone scenario with its mythical places of Magna Graecia, and will see 850 students gathered
coming from all over the Calabrian territory who will compete in the name of solidarity and
beauty of sport, from 16 to 24 April. The young athletes will compete in eight disciplines
sports: athletics, badminton, five-a-side football, orienteering, basketball, volleyball,
handball and tag rugby, in an exceptional competition for the Calabrian School and for the
spirit of brotherhood that sport intends to spread.

The initiative, desired by the Director General of USR Calabria and the Coordination
Regional Motor Education, sees the participation of Sport and Health spa, of
Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), the Paralympic Committee (CIP), the
National Sports Federations (FSN), of the Calabria Region as well as the Province and the
Municipality of Crotone.

“This is a particularly relevant event for young Calabrians – says the Director
of USR Calabria Dr Antonella Iunti – that they can come together to live
an experience of community life, learning healthy competition. Sport conveys principles
and founding values ​​in the formation of personalities open to facing life as
an undertaking that requires commitment, determination, observance of the rules, motivation,
loyalty, but above all respect for the Other. Sport, in fact, broadens people’s skills
students and becomes a unique opportunity to achieve inclusion and reduce the rates of
school dropout. I wish all the participating students and teachers a great success
professionalism accompany the boys and girls, to experience the School Olympics with
the same spirit that characterizes our Olympic champions: friendship, peace, fair play, honor and
joy of living, giving us unique and unrepeatable emotions. Life is made up of challenges
bet is to overcome obstacles by realizing your dreams while remaining faithful to
responsibility and love for humanity, continuously nourishing with the values ​​of
sport, the Olympic torch so that it can always illuminate your path”.

The opening ceremony, which will have as its title “Ancient Calabria, land of athletes” in memory
of the glories of Ancient Greece, will be held on Tuesday 16 April, at 5 pm, at the Apollo Theater
located in viale Regina Margherita n. 6, Crotone.

2024-04-15 16:59:07
#Sport #vehicle #founding #principles #values


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