Cuban Men’s Recurve Bow Team Sets National Record at Pan American Archery Championship

Cuban Men’s Recurve Bow Team Sets National Record at Pan American Archery Championship

With 1,976 points, the Cuban men’s recurve bow team established a national record in the double return at 70 meters (m), at the opening of the Pan American Archery Championship based in Medellín, Colombia.

This Wednesday, Hugo Franco, Juan José Santiesteban and Javier Vega joined forces and sharpened their aim to improve by three units the previous level achieved at the XIX Pan American Games in Santiago de Chile 2023.

For them it was a good debut, with their sights set today, Thursday, on trying to reach the only Olympic quota available for the teams competing in that continental tournament.

In the case of Franco, he achieved the greatest contribution, with a score of 674, and added Santiesteban’s 654 lines and Vega’s 648, to place sixth in that qualifying stage, the prelude to the eliminatory matches.

With this result, the representatives of Cuba will have as their first rivals the Peruvians, who totaled 1,815 points, so they should be affordable opponents.

Turning to the women, Larissa Pagán was the one with the best performance on the Island with 609 units, which together with what was achieved by Yailín Paredes (570) and Maydenia Sarduy (560), allowed them to accumulate 1,746, according to the official site of the contest .

With that performance they placed themselves in seventh place on the list to open the match against the Salvadorans (1,593), and if they win they would have the Brazilians (1,928) as their next opponents.

In both sexes, only the gold medal-winning team will secure a ticket to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Also this Thursday, the Cuban archers will be in the individual competitions and in the call for mixed teams, in the latter with Pagán and Franco as pairs, although these tests will not give places to the summer event.

2024-04-11 10:31:50
#National #record #Cuban #archers #Pan #American #Championship


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